Friday, January 25, 2008

Winter American Apparel Contest

Winter American Apparel Contest!

"It's January. The holidays are over, and it's cold out there! Before you curl up under a blanket and hibernate for the next few months, make sure you enter our Winter American Apparel Contest!

American Apparel is animal-friendly fashion at its best. Another reason why I am so in love with American Apparel is that its tees, thermals, hoodies, leggings, and everything else are all cruelty-free—meaning they don't contain any fur, leather, or wool.

For those reasons and more, I am happy to announce that peta2 is giving away two $50 certificates to American Apparel!

Yay! For a chance to win, just fill out the lil' form below! The contest ends February 7, and we'll let you know if you won by February 21."

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